Job Interviews


Talk about The Important Possibilities within the Company.

Matthew McGuire Talks about What is Professional/ and Un-Professional.

Professional:Meetings The Requirements of the Overall Expectations.

Un-Professional: The work That is Manage Only by The Suggestions Rather then What was Required.

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Welcome to the Professional Career, 2018
This Article Explains what its Like to be known as Professional.
Means the work for What someone does, that Forfills the Requirements for a Job, The Questions go by What is Expected, and How is the Training in Getting the Job Done, One of the Requirements is know
 your skills
  your Customers!
Your Ability to Manage!
Job Interviews
When we attend A Job Interview, we are asked the Question, Why should we Hire you from a few other Employers who are trying to Apply for the Position? Are we even given Choices? Options? for how to answer That Question. One Main Focus we should consider, is How we are willing to Succeed. in getting the Job Done, we should be Honest, That The Person who wants the Position, is willing to Stand by there skills, as a Professional, They take Responsibility, and They are on Time.   A Number of Questions also goes by Job Experience, we may say during the Job Interview, it is a Really long story, but I have done, the Similar Skills, I have Gained the Same Confidence, in Training that I need, to show The Company, that i can be Counted on.
As a Professional, i am willing to do what it Takes, to Develop a Team of Trust. For a few Questions That are asked during a Job Interview, Can be That they only want Answers for up to 3 Minutes, One of Those Questions could be about, what school, you went to, and the Certifications, and Licenses, that a Person Has, we do wonder Why is it Important? but for some companies/Businesses, they need to know, for there Use, Making sure, That the Person applying for the Job, is a US Citizen, who For fills the Requirements of the Job. Another Important Discussion, also is About Availability, if Available to work on the Holidays, and weekends.
ThereFore, why should the Companies/Businesses, Hire a Person from others who are applying for the Possition, we should think about, The Important Expectations.How Pleased the Emplyee's are of Having a Person working for There Companies/Businesses. and how The work is Managed.
How Many Choices, the Designer should Give to the Client, even though The Client may not Agree 100% of the time with How the work in Managed.
A Designer using the Intelligent Resources, from Based on what looks Presented in Designing
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This Chart is an Example of How PDF file Documents are used,  Viewing Documents, Important Information.
This Video talks about Jobs: The Questions go by, what is Required, to be Hired on a Job? For any Positions, and The Experience we Need, The Skills, we need to be Hired, if we Give This One Year, to see what Happens.Our Goal. could be is to Tell Others, More about who we are, and what we are Good at, We maybe Surprised about what Happens, in a Year, we even Surprised That Happens, in a Hour, but we can also think, about When working a Job, It seems to be The Difference, from what we Want, to Do, and what we Have to do. What we have to do, Just to get Hired on a Job, is working on a Project, Attending a Meeting, and managing, Updating the Information in The Data,Based, Online.

One Years Seems like a Long time for a Lot of Us, but if we were to work the Math, That would be 3 weeks, 15 Days, for The work we do as a Professional!! Thank about How much we can do, How Much Improvement That has Proceed, During the Situation, when we thought we had Nothing. if anyone, wonders who will be Debating, for someone, when they have a Much More Better, understand for what they do. do we think a Job can be Assigned, to Us, within That Period of Time. It's seems Like Hard Work, and we wonder if we are getting anywhere, for what we do during the Daily Bases, but one Mainly Goal we can Think about is Introducing, what we do. How much our work, is Needed. if we Give this a Year!! we can see if for any Reason, What was accomplished, and what still needs to be done. for most Jobs, the Goal, is not to Think about What is done, and Over. we should think about The Best Opportunity, for our Career!! 

During A Job Interview, We can think about The Questions, that we would expect to Answer: One of the Questions, would be That How Confident is That Person in Handing a Big Job, Such as Management. to work with the Clients, Costumers, the work That needs to be Done, and how we be able to Handle the Job. The Next Questions, are also, How Much time would it Take Normally to to Fix the Problem, and Proceed with the Task, I think the Best Answer, we could give for That is 3 Hours, one Hour, to Communicate, deciding on what we have to work on, and The Basic Idea, for how others, know our work, How much Hard work that Shows, That client, That Honesty, The right Passion for what needs to be done. The Next Question would be is How much Experience, do we Have, and the Years of Education, Going By the Truth, a Lot of our experience, may have come from a Lot of Practice, at HOME, but for any source of Career, we can think about HOW MUCH WE ARE WILLING TO EMPRESS THE EMPLOYEE!! Give That 3 weeks, to a Year, see what Happens.

A Years does seem like a long time, But What can WE DO in 5 Minutes That can Make a Difference?

The Basic Training for what we Create.

"A Multipple Choice Question Test, Provided, Test, and The way the Answers are Made.
There seems to be a Lot More Job Interviews, Then Job Offered, and Hiring Positions, Mentioned, since That is the Case, It seem like for anyone, who may ask, why is a Resume, so Important to anyone, even if the Resume, Had not been Updated in Years, Why is a Resume Required, We can Think of a Number of Reasons, I call It "The Gold Monument" A Moment to give us Time to Practice, and Think, about all Job Interviews, They are seem, Like Doctors, appointments, The Doctor Checks, The Patients Health, ask The Patient Questions, Even Checks Them for any Course of Concerns, i know my Recent Doctors Visit I tell the Doctor about my Hard Days, if its School, and work, it Feels a lot like Pressure, for what i do, seems to not be Good enough to Satisfy anyone. For what a Person like me Needs is Experience, For any Kind of Job Interview, The Interviewer, may Mention about the Requirements, one of Those would be A State Identification. Seconds, The Course of Education, The Person May have, and Third, There willingness to work with Others, how Is the Person Willing to Handle The Position.

Based on what i Call Little Brother Careers, A lot what i talk about is of course Suppose to be an Opportunity in the Future, and it seems like for any Job Interview, it is all about the Opportunity, some may think, if you need a Job Right away, There is a Better way to Look, and if anything, someone may Mention, to work any  Possition in the Meantime, The statement i will Like to give, of course would be,For anyone who is Looking for work, Based on there Career, Expect, to where The Career to Learn More about The person, This may Go There own ways, but Based on what is Updated, on a Resume, Something about The person also, even if The interview was 5 weeks, ago, maybe 5 Months ago, to a Year, ago, A Possition, may have alrady been Updated, is That Really what anyone has been waiting For, For a Job that Needs, the Persons skills, is Already Created, and is Waiting to Hire.

There will Be Rules, i am Sure, But a Persons Name is not Just a Name, Based on what is Assigned to Suggest, what is Professional. I talk about The Year 2018! A lot! What is That Reason, as I explaiein on my Youtube Channel, It is to Celebrate, The Number of Things Happening, with the Time of The Year, I though This Day was Always Made, Up because, to work that Math, do we even take the time to Count, from Day one, what it Means 25 Year Later, Before any Children know What a Job Was, for Safety Concern, The Gold Monument is The Title I gave it, Meaning That a Career, someone Earns, That is Assigned, A Passion, A Passion, something a Person has, That Last up to 20 Years, That a Company  Needs.I though I Made This Day up The Day, July 18th, 2018. and 8:00AM. After one year, of Education, and Taking Classes, even during the Spring and Summer Time, it seem like the work Never Ends, but Ready is it Suppose to End! No, But it is Suppose to show For what still needs to be Done, for What we call, work, some may thing That a Job, not everyone is going to be Paid for what They do, and some may think it Feels a lot like Being Slaved! No Credit, Then there is a Problem! But the Gold Monument of Course is a Meaning of Saying For The Many of Years, Completed, Based on the Students Education, and The Rules, by the State and the Goverment. My Birthday Came on July 18th, That seem Just like any other Day But, what about The Year, 2018? A Year to Think about the United States of America, For a Natural Born Citizen, Here in the United States, "The Gold Monument" Means, Something Special about That Citizen That Makes Them useful For what they do, if its to Discover, or Create, for how they managed There Future! i thought it was all Made Up, since for me being a Designer, Who will Hire Me?
For Those who Really Need my skill, and the Importion That i may Know, Most Important for who The Company Knows That Person Best, That Person for who They are, A Job That could last For 20 Years, For anyone who maybe concerned about TOO Much Work! For what a Person can see, and Handle That can Make a Difference. 

Job Resumes, Are There Form a Reason, I used Little Brother Career, as an Example: Because, anyone who has Heard of the Position, Specially when not too many Know too much about the Job, The Job of course, for anyone who wants to take a Job, A Job Resume may not been Updated in a Very Long time, but a Source of document File, That Provides, the Persons work Experience, and Performance in a Timely Manner, Yes, it all Could be a long, story about Previous Job, Employment, But we can also think about what on a Resume, That tell everything Required, We may think There is a Difference for what we Want, or don't Want, To Respect the Rules, what The Requirements Uselessly say are, at Least 5 Years Experience, and a College Education. For any Job, A Person could be applying for, When Applying for any Position, Please Make sure to Understand, The Responsibility about For what is Required, what the Company does, the Rule,s and Time they needs, for what is Required from That Person.
A Job may not be Given to The Person, but let's Say a Job was Assigned, how does, this Happened, and how can this Happened, when A Person is working on something, and They may think Twice, about it, to where for what they are doing, They did not think it was a Job, until They Discovered Something New! What is This something New!What does, it Mean, Well it seems That the "Only", Answers come from What was Discovered, The Persons Talent, something Amazing, someone else Found, That Really Gave them and the Group, any Idea for what they wanted to do."The Gold Monument", The work for What someone see from another, That Keeps on working.
We know That Filling out a Job Application is Only the Beginning, even after we Graduate!! it seems Like, Time can Mean FOREVER!!!, but We can Think about on an Everyday Bases, something we can do that will only Take 5 Minutes, ONE of those JobTask, would be to Make sure we Have The Important course of Information Handy, such as The Sources, of Experience, Education, A Persons ability of How to Fix The Problems How The Person Handle for what issues that come up, for any Interview, It seems like The Information , That is Collected, and used for a Purpose. The Question could go by How well, The employment is Hiring, and What is expected, what  What the Employment needs by the Person Hired. Most of Use, may say we have not worked A Job Resume in over 10 Years, but to think about what has changed, what you see, that the Employee can any Progress.
This video Talks about Matthew Sean McGuire's Earlier Career, He called one Number to Get some Information about a Drawing Course: That he could Have, But during the Time it was around $49.99, The Person asked Matthew During the Time, if he could afford, That, and He mentioned, Talking with The Parents, Since Those Years, ago He had been Waiting, to know His Artistic Talent, and I am sure For the Parents, There Children They go to School For a Good Education, but what about the Course of Education, not too Many have Heard, of and How Good of a Career it is, In this video Matthew Walks about Back in 1994, That $50 was a Lot of Money, and for what Matthew Could afford, for The Full story, Long story Short, Matthew Managed to Tell The story at His own Time. it has been Over 15 Years! Matthew now 32 Years Old, He is into Computers/Designing, I am Sure There is always something To Discover Next.
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